지난 7월 29일 수요일 몽골 울란바토르 소재 샹그릴라 호텔(Shangri-La Hotel)에서 오전 9시부터 개최됐던 몽골 정부 주최의 몽골 민주 선거 실시 25돌 기념 국제 회의 현장에서 울려 퍼진 박근혜 대한민국 대통령의 영상 축하 메시지 전달에 이어, 이번에는 죽하 메시지의 몽골어 및 영어 버전도 아울러 전달해 드립니다.
President Ts. Elbegdorj, beloved people of Mongolia, Sain baina uu(=How are you in English)?
Let me take this opportunity to express how delighted sincere congratulations on the 25th anniversary of Mongolia's democracy on behalf of the people of Korea.
I believe that the strong will and leadership of leaders like President Ts. Elbegdorj and the sincere yearning of the Mongolian people helped democracy to take firm root in Mongolia despite the difficulties of the political transition that began when Mongolia turned into democratic country in 1990.
Mongolia’s successful transition into a democratic country is especially meaningful as it has set a good example for the international community.
It is my belief that Mongolia’s experience in political transition will contribute to spreading democracy and to promoting shared prosperity and peace in Northeast Asia.
This year marks not only the 25th anniversary of Mongolia's democracy, but also 25th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Korea and Mongolia - a special occasion that calls for a grand celebration.
The peoples of Korea and Mongolia have deep-rooted and special bonds sharing similarities in race, culture and sentiments, and this has served as the buttress of our bilateral relations.
The Korea-Mongolia relations is now well into its 25th year. Just like the Mongolian proverb that goes “Little drops of water make a mighty ocean.”, I believe the efforts of two countries will add up one by one to bear the fruit of a close relationship between our two countries.
Once again, I would like to congratulate you on the 25th anniversary of Mongolia’s democracy and convey my warmest wishes for Mr. President’s good health and the happiness of everyone in Mongolia. Thank you.
유감스럽게도, 지구촌 국가 중 중국에서는 Youtube가 작동되지 않습니다.
이에, 중국 주재 재외동포들을 위해 중국 Youku 동영상으로도 올립니다.
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